Friday 27 February 2015

Skyrim's Falskaar mod maker lands games industry job Full High version

Skyrim's Falskaar mod maker lands games industry job Full High version        

Alexander J. Velicky: gets a full-time position at a game developer, but it's not Bethesda.

by Martin Gaston on November 26, 2013

                 Alexander J. Velicky, the 19-year-old who invested 2000 hours into creating epic Skyrim mod Falskaar as a way of applying for a job at Bethesda, has landed a job in the games industry.

Velicky is now working at Bungie, presumably on the Destiny series.

In a thank you post written on the Bethesda forums (via Eurogamer), Velicky thanked the community for their help in bringing Falskaar to life. "I want to thank even those who did 'simple' things; liking a video, endorsing a mod, or providing feedback (positive and negative alike). I don't think I can really express how thankful I am without blabbering on and getting super repetitive, so I suppose I'll leave it sweet and short."

"Of course, all of this leaves me with one corny 'life lesson' that I'd like to extend to all of you," he added. "Never be afraid to try. I set my sights on a professional design job pretty early, I lowered my head, charged forward, and rarely looked back. Of course, I ensured what I was doing had a reasonable chance for success from time to time."

"But the most surprising of all, is who I've ended up with. I applied to many companies, and Bungie was in my, 'Huge company that will completely ignore me.' category. Well, they didn't and look what it got me. Bungie is an awesome company with an amazing team, and I'm very lucky that they've decided to give me a chance! Never be afraid to try. I spent the time it took to apply and the rewards are proving to be greater than I could have possibly imagined."

While Velicky says that his job will be his "utmost priority," he adds that it's "pretty likely that I won't be able to resist the draw of Fallout 4 and it's modding tools.

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